Features and uses:
Taxus baccata Repandens originates in Europe and Western Asia, and belongs to the taxaceae family.
It is a
dwarf conifera with
creeping portraiture, formed by long branches flattening down, on which develop long and persistent
intense green leaves.
It loves
cold or temperate climates, best placed in the sun or half shade, and adapts well to different types of soil. The
Taxus b. Repandens does not require special irrigation and is very resistant to maltose, so it is strongly recommended to anyone who loves the garden but does not have time to dedicate it.
How to use the
Taxus b. Repandens?
Uses are really many, like
groundcover, sloping and paved ground, as a
single specimen or
in a mixed meadow in the garden, in public parks, or in urban greenery.
If you want to please the eye, you can approach this conifer other varieties, to create a very impressive landscape, some examples are:
Cryptomeria Vilmoriniana,
Juniperus h. Wiltonii,
Juniperus b. Blue Swede,
Picea glauca Alberta Globe,
Thuya Smaragd,
Thuya o. Amber Glow